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Hen Nozzles

High Efficiency Nozzles

Hen Nozzles

At HEN Nozzles, we are using fundamentals of fluid dynamics and thermal management to create High Efficiency Nozzles (HEN).


Review the most current eTHOR Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis (MS&A) Stage 2 results, as presented this November 2023, at the ICESF Demonstration aboard MCTSSA, Camp Pendleton, CA.


International representatives, government, commercial, and military stakeholders were on hand throughout the week to view the eTHOR and talk with the SoCal Tech Bridge eTHOR Team. 


Click on the first page of the eTHOR Analysis charts to the right to view the entirety of the PDF.


Analysis includes:


  • Studying eTHOR in a Forward Command Operations Center (COC) context


  • Modeling full base energy use 


  • Traditional Generator-only power grids


  • eTHOR impacts on efficient use of
    generators, fuel consumption,
    and added capabilities



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SoCal Tech Bridge

The SoCal Tech Bridge is focused on leveraging the Southern California convergence of Installations, Industry, and Research to unlock emerging technology through non-traditional partnerships.


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Location: San Diego, CA, USA

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