What an achievement! The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Sustainment - Operational Energy has awarded funding for the Zero Carbon Logistics Support Via Hybrid Aircraft project to assess hybrid aircraft technology across a spectrum of military scenarios and applications. The project is the maturation of thesis work completed by current SoCal Tech Bridge Director, Capt Ben Cohen, and Capt John Schmaltz Jr., while at the Naval Postgraduate School.
In a recent press release from Hybrid Air Vehicles, Capt Cohen, the U.S. project lead, acknowledged, “As a logistics officer, the challenges with Contested Logistics are at the forefront of my mind…” Tom Grundy, CEO of Hybrid Air Vehicles Ltd noted, "…Through our collaboration… we are demonstrating how private investment and commercial innovation can be adapted to enhance logistics, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance operations, and communications in the Pacific.”
Captain Cohen was recently on hand at the Sea Air Space 2023, and attended a Naval Postgraduate School Foundation & Alumni Association event that highlighted the research work leading to this announcement.

We’re excited for the way ahead and to share efforts with exceptional partners!