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Project Vesta Press Kit

This page contains the basic press kit graphics and default text hooks for partner web and social media for the Project Vesta Team Members and Partners.

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Social Media Press Kit - Media Type

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Listed below are the standard save the date and other graphics for sharing on social media for this event. Each is sized correctly for the majority of the popular social media portals. To use simply right click and save the PNG images to your system for use on social media.

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Project Vesta Logo
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Basic boilerplate text for social media posts

Standard Post

Wildfires are a wicked problem continually growing in severity and scope, especially in the California region. The threat to people, wildlife, our natural and commercial resources, and the environment is profound and long-lasting. Those committed to fighting fires face significant boots on the ground peril, to include the unique challenges met when operating aboard military installations. Wildfire management leaves little room for error.


The Project Vesta team is passionate about developing – and sharing – better, quicker, and safer means to address this challenging issue. The program goals are persistent fire surveillance, analytics capabilities enabled by edge computing, and rapid interoperability. If successful, it can support continuous terrain mapping, accurate fuel analysis, immediate fire identification, and the timely delivery of suppressant agents in active fires. The intended prototype result is an unmanned "system of systems" that combines state-of-the-art technology and Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) equipment intended to identify fire risk, reduce response time, and decrease direct firefighter engagement. Humans are still deeply engaged in the process, but at a safer distance, with more tools to augment and support their actions on the ground. 


The Joint Interagency Field Experimentation (JIFX) 22-2, from 14 to 18 February 2022 aboard Camp Roberts, CA, is where Project Vesta conducted its first live tests. Future experiments and prototype iterations are expected to synthesize lessons learned and improve upon each product performance. [Insert name] is excited to be a part of this important work and to share a small business solution to a global problem. Learn more about Project Vesta and the innovative work being done here.


Twitter Friendly Short Post

Innovations in fire management technology can make wildfire mitigation safer, more effective, and more accurate. It can also reduce future risk of a serious global problem. Learn about Project Vesta and its unmanned prototype demos here.


Partners/Fill In the Blank Posts

The Project Vesta live fire mitigation technology experiment is just a few weeks away!


The event – hosted from 14 - 18 February 2022 by the Joint Interagency Field Experimentation (JIFX) 22-2 aboard Camp Roberts, CA - was a critical step in the evolution of faster, safer, and more effective wildfire control and mitigation. Wildfires are a wicked problem continually growing in severity and scope, especially in the California region. The threat to people, wildlife, our natural and commercial resources, and the environment is profound and long-lasting. Those committed to fighting fires face significant boots on the ground peril, to include the unique challenges met when operating aboard military installations. Wildfire management leaves little room for error, but much room for improvement. We can’t wait for you to see what [Insert Company Name] is doing to help solve this problem.


The Project Vesta team is passionate, and the result is an unmanned fire control prototype that combines state-of-the art technology and Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) equipment. [Insert name] is providing [Insert technology description], a critical component of an innovative system that networks autonomous air and ground vehicles, solar charging capabilities, fire response equipment, and communications. The goal is persistent fire surveillance, analytics capabilities enabled by edge computing, and rapid interoperability. The experiment will inspire you and will help us map the way forward in this exciting work.


Visit the event website for more information on Project Vesta, the upcoming experiment, our partnership, and more. 

Basic Text

Event Hashtags for use on social media

#projectvesta #socaltechbridge #wildfires #firefighting


Industry: #groundvehicles #groundsystems #JIFXforum #unmannedsystems #electricsystems #AI #autonomousair #smallbusinesssolutions #meshnetworks #electricvehicles #mobilepower #airsystems 


General Public: #energyinfrastructure #reducingfires #electricvehicles #fire #alternativeenergysources #preventativesolutions #californiawildfires #climatechange #firesafety #reducingfires


Defense: #AI #autonomy #mobilepower #JIFXforum #socaltechbridge #airsystems #ProjectVesta #firesafety #unmannedsystems


Firefighting Professionals: #wildfires #firstresponders #fuelloadanalysis #advancedfireprevention #personalsafety #fireatmospherics #californiawildfires #suppressionmaterials #firecommonpicture


Climate Change/Environment: #wildfires #climatechange #electricvehicles #californiawildfires #fire 

Event Hashtags

Social Media News Posts

1600 x 900

Image for standard Twitter Post and usable on both , LinkedIn and Facebook

Social Media Graphics

Click on the Project Vesta icon to be taken to the most recent Project Vesta Press Release 


March 14, 2021

Tech cluster

Social Media Image Posts

1200 x 1200

Square HD image post graphic suitable for LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram (Note: on Facebook and Instagram it will resize to 1080 x 1080)


Event 1Pager

Download and share this single page info sheet about the event.

Project Vesta 1 pager
Info PDF

Event Tie-In Podcasts

Feel free to use the use Podcast promotional graphic and this copy-and-paste text below to share the event tie-in re-broadcast of the SoCal Tech Bridge - Bridging Tech Podcast on your social media.


Podcast RSS Feed

[Podcast | SoCal Tech]


Podcast Episode Post 

Project Vesta Begins!

Short podcast session description

[coming soon]


SoCal Tech B ridge Podcast


Review the most current eTHOR Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis (MS&A) Stage 2 results, as presented this November 2023, at the ICESF Demonstration aboard MCTSSA, Camp Pendleton, CA.


International representatives, government, commercial, and military stakeholders were on hand throughout the week to view the eTHOR and talk with the SoCal Tech Bridge eTHOR Team. 


Click on the first page of the eTHOR Analysis charts to the right to view the entirety of the PDF.


Analysis includes:


  • Studying eTHOR in a Forward Command Operations Center (COC) context


  • Modeling full base energy use 


  • Traditional Generator-only power grids


  • eTHOR impacts on efficient use of
    generators, fuel consumption,
    and added capabilities



Screenshot 2023-11-13 173303.png
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SoCal Tech Bridge

The SoCal Tech Bridge is focused on leveraging the Southern California convergence of Installations, Industry, and Research to unlock emerging technology through non-traditional partnerships.


Office: MCAS Miramar

Location: San Diego, CA, USA

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